- Paying close attention to detail in all communications
- No gossiping with anyone about anything
- No bullying or harassment of any kind
- Immediately resolve conflict of any kind.
- Genuinely care for others
- Having empathy in our communications
- Seeing the need of others and acting before being asked
- Looking through the eyes of the other person, the person in need
- Changing perspective often required (batteries not included)
- Do the Right thing even when no one is watching
- Simply be a good person
- Conduct business fairly
- Behave wisely & conduct yourselves in proper manner at all times
- Believe in the unbelievable
- Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it
- Hope & Possibilities are hear & now, be open and look for them
- Look beyond circumstance & adversity…
- Anything can happen…
Elite Service Experts Aspiring Values
- Servant Leadership – Serve Others the way we want to be served…Matt 7:12
- Respect Others – No Gossip Rule, No A-Hole Rule, No Harassment Rule, & immediately resolve conflicts promptly & fairly.
- Value a Safe, Healthy & Fun work environment at all times. No Exceptions
- Problem solvers, fixers & solution minded. Keeping the Purpose 1st
- Affect Change & Impact the World through “7-STAR” World Class Customer Service. Create a Raving Fan every week (One-a-week is all we ask).
- “C7X” – Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Elite Service Experts Leadership Principles
Conduct, Behavior, and Alignment. This is the belief system that forms our culture:
- Value Relationships – “Connect” with our Team, Service Partners, Customers, & Community. Make a difference in their lives. Change their Reality.
- Elite is a company with Team Members – Celebrate & Recognize achievements
- Provide a work environment that allows our Team Members to excel in Life & Business
- Personal Accountability – QBQ – Not Why? When, & Who? But How? & What?
- Embrace Dynamic Change – This is birthed from dreams and adversities.
- Be Authentic: Always – Be real, Just be Yourself. You are Unique
- Be Intentional & have Stoic Resolve to finish strong. No Whiners…Only Winners
- Value continuous improvement, teaching, training, growing and learning
- Measure everything – Metrics & Benchmarks. Know the #’s. Embrace the #’s & reality, sharing the results with the team
- Be Content…but never complacent. Have a healthy dose of fear and paranoia – Be Alert